
This small PLC EA PLCC28 is able to drive many external displays, the so called Satellite Displays. All important measuring values and system data are shared automatically.

There are 3 ways to connect Satellite Displays and Core PLC: RS-485, WiFi and LAN. The Core supports RS-485 and WiFi or RS-485 and LAN. Note that WiFi and LAN cannot be used simultanously.

Interconnection by WiFi / WLAN

If distance between is not so far (<10m), Satellite Display and Core may communicate via WiFi / WLAN. Please note that topology is star:

For Satellite Display set connection in PLCdesigner to "WiFi".

Make sure that the same WiFi network is set in the Core project.

So distance from Core to Satellite Display may not exceed 10m. Alternatively WiFi signal is amplified by repeater.

Interconnection by LAN

A fast and safe way to connect Satellite Displays with PLC Core is LAN connection

For Satellite Display set connection in PLCdesigner to "LAN".

Interconnection by RS-485

PLC Core and Satellite Displays may also be connected by RS-485, a simple 2-wire installation. RS-485 is bus topology.

For Satellite Display connection in PLCdesigner is set to "RS-485". Refresh time for shared register is 1 second. That's a bit slower than via LAN and WiFi.